My stand FOR TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE first began when I wrote a letter to the mayor of the City of St. Louis back in the 1990's, in protest of several special interest groups who were presenting political views and social movements that, I felt, were detrimental to my efforts as a husband of a loving woman, and a father of three African American boys.
For years, hard-working, committed, tax-paying citizens like me, have been told that if we disagree with the changes in society, we must remain silent and don't try to force our views on anyone else.
But what was I supposed to do when the views of others were forced upon me by extreme liberal initiatives that could prove to be very destructive to my little family?
Why did the economical success of others have to be paved by the blood of our unborn Black children?
Why was the dismantling of solid marriages and families in the Black community necessary for the advancement of the LGBT cause?
Why did freedom of speech not apply to a Christian, conservative Black family?
Why were our "pastors" and other Black political leaders, aligning themselves to causes that were literally wiping out the necessary foundational elements that could build the Black family and the communities that they anchored?
I had no answers when I wrote that first letter, but I have a little more experience now. I am not a political expert. I don't represent a political party. I am not a scholastic theologian. I don't represent the evangelical, right-wing, Tea Party conservatives. I don't even have a college degree. I've lost jobs, suffered two home foreclosures, and even failed at starting a church. So the experts and radical activists can and will seek to invalidate my words through intimidation and humiliation.
All I have is nearly 35 years of a happy and strong marriage. All we have are three adult sons that we raised to work harder and smarter, value their wives, respect others, and love God. I always felt that the best thing I could ever give to my sons was a father who loved their mother. And that's all I have to offer the world today; an African American father who loves his wife and children.
I don't have any expert opinions, but I still have a lot of unanswered questions as ONE CONCERNED FATHER. And I ask these questions in letters, OP-EDs and vlogs (video blogs) as I challenge the modern wisdom that has poisoned the atmosphere in our neighborhoods and households.
No one may ever really listen to or pay attention to a word I say, but at least I will have exercised my right to express my views in, what might be, the final days and hours of a free nation.
My name is Chris Green and I'm ONE CONCERNED FATHER.