Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I Turn to My Father

Recorded at Metro Christian Worship Center in St. Louis, MO in the year 2000. Chris Green speaks to the men in the congregation about finding their identity and purpose in Father God. This message includes an original song titled I Turn to My Father. 

Bill collectors call my home. The debt was due today.

The boss says, “Get it done. I mean, right away.”

The school says, “Come get your son. He always fights when they play.”

How can I overcome? 

My wife will hide her pain. She feels so alone.

I've got to work some overtime; so again I won't be home.

“If you have an emergency, just call my cell phone.”

I'm always on the run. 

I turn to my Father when I'm tired of being the man.

For He knows my heart; sees all the struggles I’ve had.

I turned to my Father for His wisdom and help.

How can I be the man when I'm just a child myself? 

At work, I must be tough to get the job done.

At home, I must be soft and hold them in my arms.

Can't seem to find the balance of tender and strong,

Trying to drive in both lanes. 

Sometimes I want to cry when I'm feeling the strain,

But yielding to these feelings makes me weak in the game,

That old familiar motto will drive me insane:

When there's no pain, there's no gain. 

I turn to my Father when I'm tired of being the man.

For He knows my heart; sees all the struggles I’ve had.

I turned to my Father for His wisdom and help.

How can I be the man when I'm just a child myself? 

Life is so demanding; to be a husband, father and friend.

In His presence I'm standing; as a servant, a son and a man. 

I turn to my Father when I'm tired of being the man.

For He knows my heart; sees all the struggles I’ve had.

I turned to my Father for His wisdom and help.

How can I be a husband when I'm just a child myself?

How can I be a daddy when I'm just a child myself?

How can I be the man when I'm just a child myself?

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Community Life Coach Speaks at Fatherhood Academy Support Group Session

Pennsylvania, USA---- Community Life Coach, Chris Green was the main speaker of today's session for the Fatherhood Academy Support Group. These weekly sessions are sponsored by Life Esteem, Inc, for men 18 years and older. This support group is especially helpful for men who are reuniting with their families involved in separation or divorce from their family, or simply to improve their parenting skills. 

"We launched tonight's session by talking about the The Process of Success: 8 Key Elements to Fulfilling Purpose," Coach Chris explained. "The conversation was so engaging that we only made it through 3 of the 8 elements. That's because this workshop is all about a self inspection; not for tearing men down, but to rebuild, restore and renew them. I felt the conversation was powerful and impactful."

Dr. Nathaniel Gadsden, who leads the weekly outreach, invited Coach Green to return and continue the Process of Success workshop next week, encouraging the men to spread the word and bring a friend. 

"This discussion about process is real and raw," Coach Chris Green concluded. "And it is revitalizing for men: husbands, fathers, brothers and sons. I look forward to this opportunity to serve Dr. Gadsden and work with the men in this community."

Editor's Notes:

Chris (and Carol) Green are authors, educators, entrepreneurs, certified master CARE-Ready life coaches, leadership consultants, songwriters, poets, compassionate listeners, ordained ministers, traditional marriage and  family advisers, conflict resolution mediators, holistic wellness promoters, and human value advocates.


With over 30 years of urban community outreach experience, today they focus most of their energy and efforts connecting with local and international leaders who desire to make a meaningful impact when working in under-served and diverse communities. 

Through their CARE-Ready Leadership initiatives and their proven training models, they retool, equip and empower community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers, to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE-Ready Responding  (Civility Awareness with Respect and Empathy) and CARE-Ready  Coaching (Compassionate  Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives.

Their community-supporting initiatives have included hosting free monthly group CARE coaching sessions in an unemployment center, on-call CARE coaching support and CARE-Ready coach training of the staff of a women's homeless shelter, CARE-Ready coach training of mentors in an ex-offenders program, consultation with local service organizations, and collaborating with various community outreach efforts.


For their community service, they were inducted in the 2021 World Book of Greatness. They also received the Harambee 2019 Community Leadership Award  and a United Way 2017 Volunteer of the Year Nomination. They received Urban Leadership Awards (2016) and Community Ambassador Awards (2015) from iChange Nations™, and Goodwill Ambassadors of World Peace Awards (2015) as part of the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative to the United Nations through Golden Rule International.​​


They have also been the recipients of honorary doctorate degrees (conferred in 2016 and 2018) in Christian Leadership (Chris), Humanities (Carol), and Society & Human Rights (both) to acknowledge their many years of service and significant contributions to society and the field of life coaching.


Chris and Carol Green are the Head Professors of the STEP (Success Through Experience and Process) Forward Life Prospectus Institute. They're also Vice Chancellor of Administrative Leadership and known as Professors of Process at United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI), where they provide professional development for its global consortium of Searcher Professors.

Chris and Carol Green received formal Leadership Training from Metro Christian Discipleship Academy (a 5-year school of ministry) in Saint Louis, Missouri, founded by Dr. Raphael Green (D.Ed.Min); earning licenses and ordinations as ministers. To further enhance his education, Chris completed two business certification programs at the University of Missouri-St. Louis’ School of Professional and Continuing Studies. They both completed a lay-counseling certificate program from the American Association of Christian Counselors.


They continued to expand and grow in their professional development through their enrollment in United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI), where they received their Bachelors and Masters degrees in Christian Leadership, as well as certification as master leadership coaches through its Colleges of Christian Education and Divinity: Educational Department.

They were trained and mentored in International Statesmanship by H.E. Sir Clyde Rivers, the founder of iChange Nations, the World Civility Spokesperson, and the recipient of a 2019 Nelson Mandela International Peace Award from the Council of the Justices of the Peace of Sri Lanka. They are a husband-wife team, based in the south central Pennsylvania region, who are commissioned to rebuild, restore and renew hearts and homes.

Chris Green is a social media veteran and an award-winning producer of a local cable TV broadcast (1999). They are the authors of 14 inspirational and life-building books, and creators and principal writers of several blogs. They are also accomplished songwriters, having penned and produced over 150 songs since 1992. Their travels have taken them from coast to coast in the United States, to Hawaii, the Bahamas, Trinidad, the United Kingdom, and West Africa.


Chris and Carol have been married over 40 years and have raised three sons. They have two daughters-in-law, two grand children, and a host of people throughout the world who call them 'mom and dad'. They make it a priority to give back to the community through their Network of Community Services.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Thank You Daddy

It's Father's Day, I want to make an encore presentation of a blog I posted four years ago on Father's Day. The original blog can be found at https://menofhonorihavevalue.blogspot.com/2015/06/thank-you-daddy.html

It reads:

I have some very fond memories with my dad. He was a fun-loving dad who always threw caution to the wind. It got him in trouble many times, but it also gave his children a sense of adventure and daring that proved to be very helpful for us when we found ourselves called in to the ministry.

My dad saw my love for sports and took me to my first baseball game. The St. Louis Cardinals were playing the Montreal Expos and Jose Cardenal hit a two run double in the seventh inning that gave them a 4-2 victory. I couldn’t believe I was actually there, in a 50,000 seat stadium, looking at the high tech scoreboard, the massive crowd, and experiencing all the sounds I always heard when I listened to games on the radio. I had become a devoted fan; and dad gave me a chance to experience the real thing; to actually see my heroes live and in person. I have cherished that memory all of my life.

There were many other games in the years that followed. I especially loved the day I sat between my dad and his dad and watched Bob Gibson, my all time favorite Cardinal baseball player, pitch on Labor Day. I actually realized I was experiencing something very special that would never happen again; three generations, sitting together, enjoying our favorite sport.

James Green (My Dad)
Those were the times that established something in my heart that I have tried to give my children. There are once-in-a-life-time opportunities that come your way, and I tried to stay prepared for those moments with my sons. Then there are some things you cannot wait for, because some memories you simply have to make.

Through the years, I hope my children have had special moments that they can recall with the same kind of fondness and deep impacting love that I feel when I think back on special moments with my dad.

My dad didn’t always put his arms around my shoulder, or say 'I love you' in those moments. He wasn’t that kind of man. He gave us nicknames and he always told us he was proud of us. When I was struggling in arithmetic, he started calling me 'math major' and it built my confidence to try harder and I found success. I became a straight-A student in math.

My dad is not perfect. He had his issues with his children from time to time, like any father. I was sort of a middle child. He married my mom, who already had a precious little girl, and they had three sons before I came along. One son died while my mom was pregnant with me. Then they had two more children after me.

There were many times when life was very hard. It was downright harsh and cruel for him. I was angry with him a few times, mainly because I had no idea what it took to be the head of the household. I learned from his mistakes, as well as his resiliency. And maybe that’s the greatest thing my dad gave us; resiliency.

Just like my dad’s journey, as a husband and father, life has been hard, sometimes harsh and downright cruel for me, but I learned from my dad how to get up and go to work every day, no matter how you feel. When I lost jobs, opportunities, homes, friends, and loved ones, I knew how to get up and keep going. Dad demonstrated to us that you should never give up, even after a failure. You never stop, no matter how you feel.

So in honor of my dad and ultimately, God, my heavenly Father, I wrote a song many years ago that expresses thanks. I gave it an informal title: Thank You Daddy.

I just want to share that song with you this week.

The original recording can be heard HERE.

The lyrics are:

There’s so much I take for granted, Like the rising of the sun
Every time I see the morning, Never thankful for the dawn

Like a father who’s always there, With the same things every day
So consistent and expected, Sometimes I forget to say

Thank you daddy
For the blue that’s in the sky
Thank you daddy
For the light that’s in Your eye
Thank you daddy
For the life beat I’ve been handed
I get so busy
I'm taking you for granted

There’s so much you’re always doing, You watch my life and keep me safe
Sometimes you throw in extras, Giving me a little bit more grace

You take the time to listen, When all I bring are complaints
You carry me on your shoulders, And you sing to me in the rain

I can always recall the discipline you gave
All the nights you spent with me, And the path that you have paved

You’ll give more love tomorrow than all my yesterdays
So please forgive me daddy, I never take the time to say

Thank you, thank you
For every single day

Thank you, thank you
For every breath I take

Thank you, thank you
You made us sons and daughters

Thank you, thank you
Because you are our Father

Thank you

© Green, Christopher 2001

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Community Life Coaches Honored on Capitol Hill

Washington, DC (Capitol Hill) ---Community Life Coaches, Chris and Carol Green were part of a special Honors and Distinctions Ceremony held in Washington, DC in the chapel of the U.S. Capitol Building.

In this year's event, the Greens received their second honorary doctorate degree in as many years. This time it was the Latin University of Theology conferring upon them, honorary doctorates in Society and Human Rights to acknowledge their 30 years of ministry and service in the urban community.

"We are humbled by this honor and very grateful," the Greens responded afterwards. "We don't know how we came to be included with such an elite list of highly esteemed people. You never know how far your calling and passion will take you. From our perspective, two kids from the 'hood' were honored on Capitol Hill."

Hosted by iChange Nations™ and Dr. Clyde Rivers, this non-political event featured several honorees from across the United States and from Africa. The list of honorees included:

* Dr. Ruth Mizell, is a former campaign manager for President George Bush Sr., who also served under President Ronald Reagan and President George H. W. Bush as adviser to the U.S. Peace Corps. During those years, she served as liaison to the White House for the American Christian Trust, served on the Board of Directors of the National Prayer Embassy, and was active in several Christian ministries. In 1994 she became active in Capitol Hill Prayer Partners and became their liaison to the Capitol.

* The Honorable Simona Broomes, serves as the Minister of Natural Resources for the Republic of Guyana, Africa; recognized for her work to stop human trafficking.

* Natasha Stewart, MS-LPC, currently serves as the director for The Center for Counseling and Behavioral Health at The Potter's House of Dallas, under the leadership of Bishop T.D. Jakes.

* Dr. Jason Renville, is an Author and Empowerment & Human Development Facilitator at Jason Renville Ministries.

* Chaplain Allen Perry, is a powerful motivational speaker, who is a certified Chaplain with the National & International Chaplain’s Association through Florida Theological Chaplain Academy.

"This couple is effectively changing lives in south central Pennsylvania!" stated Dr. Rivers as the presenter of their latest degrees. "They are making a true impact and creating a new narrative in the arena of Life Coaching. We decided to bring them to Capitol Hill for this recognition because we believe they are the best of the best in what they do. They are on the front lines of a completely new way to serve communities and equip leaders in human services."

Since 2004, the Greens have been able to establish a network of community leadership-supporting services that have been essential to their work with the unemployed, the homeless, to human service advocates, educators, pastors, and all who are seeking to inspire a higher and greater purpose for living.

They served in local church pastoral leadership in Saint Louis, MO and Harrisburg, PA for a combined 27 years, before launching out full-time to encourage, support and strengthen leaders from all spheres and aspects of life. They are:
Chris and Carol Green are Life & Healing Communicators: authors, speakers, teachers, community life coaches, leadership consultants, ordained ministers, songwriters, poets, intentional listeners, and students of life and the Bible. They are also traditional marriage & family advisers and human rights advocates. They are a husband-wife team, in the south central Pennsylvania region, who are resigned to a calling to rebuild, restore and renew hearts and homes.

Two years ago, in 2016, the Greens were honored in Washington, DC when they were publicly confirmed and acknowledged, receiving Honorary Doctorate Degrees in Christian Leadership (Chris) and Humanities (Carol), which were officially conferred upon them by the chief chancellor of the United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI). These were honorary ministry degrees that were granted in acknowledgment of 11+ years of building and implementing a new urban outreach model that combined Participatory Teaching methods with evidence-based principles of Life Coaching, to produce an effective, quantifiably successful, and family-impacting ministry in south central Pennsylvania.

The 2016 public acknowledgment took place during a special evening of honor by iChange Nations™ on April 23rd in Washington, DC. Since its beginning, iChange Nations™ has recognized Distinguished Leaders as well as those who are part of their International Alumni, who are effectively changing their community and nations through their efforts.

For their community life coaching service, the Greens received a United Way 2017 Volunteer of the Year Nomination. They also received Urban Leadership Awards (2016) and Community Ambassador Awards (2015) from iChange Nations™, and Goodwill Ambassadors of World Peace Awards (2015), as part of an interfaith peace-building initiative to the United Nations, by Golden Rule International. 

Chris Green is a social media veteran and an award-winning producer of a local cable television broadcast (1999). He is the producer of 1100+ online videos and 200+ audio podcast, creator of 15 social media brands, and designer of several organization and business websites.

Together, they have been international columnists/ writers with a Global Journalism Award-winning social media news team, the authors of 14 inspirational life-building books, and the creators of several blogs and eNewsletters. They are also accomplished songwriters, having penned and produced over 150 songs since 1992.

Chris and Carol Green are not affiliated with any political party, religious dogma, or 'bandwagon' social movements. They have been under-the-radar leaders in a national phenomenon in which people of faith have been moving, by the thousands, out of their traditions and buildings to take Christ's healing and hope to their families and neighborhoods.


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Community Life Coaches Launch Leadership Learning Community

Harrisburg, PA, USA - Community Life Coaches, Chris and Carol Green, hosted a leadership summit to officially launch Fruitful Life Learning Community as the educational, inspirational and spiritual hub of an alliance and network of home groups, outreach organizations, and community leaders.

In an evening highlighted by personal testimonials, professional endorsements and "flash-back" video clips that documented the special moments that led up to this historical opening, leaders from various sectors of the south central Pennsylvania region joined together to lend their support of the Green's vision of equipping leaders.

"We intentionally did not advertise this event," the Greens told their audience. "We're not trying to gather a big crowd. We don't need the unnecessary battles that come with notoriety, fame and curiosity seekers. We're trying to connect with like-minded people."

They likened their summits to the gathering of school district superintendents, stating how a meeting might consist of only a few individuals, but those individuals can represent hundreds and thousands of people including principals, teachers, students and parents.

"When we hold leadership summits and leadership training, a group of 25 or 30 leaders can easily represent hundreds and thousands of people that they will impact through the training that we are going to be providing for them."

Coach Carol Green reveals, "This unique Community will resource, equip and empower leaders and heads of households to facilitate healing within their own hearts and homes and then extend their extraordinary transformation to their neighborhood and community."

The Learning Community includes an innovative strategy of training and appointing Community Care, Ready-Responders and certifying Community Life Coaches, who are creative, compassionate, and capable of guiding hurting souls past their poverty and pain to their divine purpose.

"As a community-supporting faith family, Fruitful Life is patterned after the 1st-century Followers of Christ, who continued steadfast in the Apostle's teaching and fellowship, in Breaking of Bread, and in Prayers," explains Coach Chris Green; "They met in small groups within their homes and they also gathered as a community in a more sacred setting as well. They were especially known for taking care of the neighborhood's widows and orphans, while experiencing miracles, signs and wonders."

Before there was a religion called Christianity, there was a movement known as THE WAY.  Chris and Carol Green launched the Fruitful Life Learning Community to help people of faith and Christian leaders return to that simple mission and lifestyle that demonstrates God's love and healing to hearts and homes.

Learn more at http://www.fruitfullifelearning.org

Special Note - Additional Media

John and Kerry Shuey endorse the Fruitful Life Network with high recommendations for community leaders, organizations, churches and businesses to consider investing in their leaders and teams by utilizing the people-building training and certifications that are available through Chris and Carol Green.

Denise Britton endorses the Fruitful Life Network with high recommendations for community leaders, organizations, churches and businesses to consider investing in their leaders and teams by utilizing the people-building training and certifications that are available through Chris and Carol Green.

Fruitful Life board member, Traci Carter-Burker, endorses Chris and Carol Green with high recommendations for leaders, organizations, churches and businesses to consider the people-building training and certifications that are available through Fruitful Life Learning Community.

Dr. Joe Green endorses the Fruitful Life Network with high recommendations for community leaders, organizations, churches and businesses to consider family and spiritual life coaching that is available through Chris and Carol Green.